ZNA Membership

What is the ZNA?

The Zen Nippon Airinkai is an amateur koi keepers association who offer various activities and events to promote koi keeping. While the ZNA is based in Japan (the origin of koi), there are ZNA Chapters around the world - from Australia to USA to Singapore to Germany. The Koi Society of WA is proud to be the West Australian Chapter of ZNA.

The ZNA's activities are:
1. Organizing Nishikigoi Shows
2. Research and study of Nishikigoi
3. Service to the community
4. Spreading the Nishikigoi culture
5. Promoting the International Koi friendship
6. Publishing monthly Koi Magazine, NICHIRIN (Japanese and English)

The ZNA provides senior qualified judges on request to any ZNA affiliated Society worldwide.

ZNA web site: www.zna.jp

Why join ZNA?

The ZNA supplies a judge for our Annual Koi Show to provide our members with a worldclass koi show standard. In exchange, they ask that KSWA members show their support for the ZNA by becoming a member.

Members of ZNA:

  • receive 12 full colour "Nichirin" magazines packed with koi show results and the latest koi keeping information from around the world.
  • are supporting the KSWA as the WA Chapter of the ZNA
  • are supporting the ZNA in their mission to further the hobby of koi keeping worldwide

    How do I join?

    Members currently pay $140 (from 2017 onwards)

    Membership forms are available:
  • on the Forms & Procedures page
  • at any of our meetings (Southern or Northern Branch)
  • in the KSWA newsletter around April of each year

    ZNA Memberships run from May to April of each year, however you can join at any time of year. If, for example, you pay your $140 in January, you will be sent the May-December magazines straight away, then receive each monthly magazine as it is released from January to May.

  • Fill in the ZNA membership form
  • Return the form to KSWA (either at a meeting, or post it to us) along with cash, cheque or money order for $140
  • We will send it to the ZNA on your behalf - please don't send it directly to the ZNA yourself


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  • © Koi Society of Western Australia 2025