Koi Herpes Virus

Koi herpes virus (KHV) is a waterbourne viral disease that is very contagious to the common carp Cyrpinus carpio, resulting in the of death of 80% of fish within 24 - 48 hours of showing symptoms. Those that do not die become carriers and infect any further fish. The first case of KHV was reported in 1998, but not confirmed until later in 1999. Due to strict quarantine laws preventing koi from being brought in from overseas, Australia is one of the only countries in the world to be KHV-free (in both the wild and captivity).

KHV is a devastating disease and many koi keepers around the world have lost their entire collection of koi, wiping out decades of hard work.

Symptoms of KHV include:

  • Gill mottling
  • Red and white patches appearing on gills
  • Bleeding gills
  • Sunken eyes
  • Pale patches
  • Blisters

CSIRO currently have KHV in their labs and are testing it for possible future release into Australian waterways. If released, it will find it's way into koi ponds and will devastate the koi keeping hobby and industry in Australia. We have written to the Federal Environment Minister to present facts on why we object to the release of KHV.


Letter from KSWA to Federal Environment Minister Nov 2014 (copied to WA Environment Minister, RSPCA and Animals Australia)

WA Environment Minister reply Dec 2015

Federal Environment Minister reply Jan 2015

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