Southern Branch Meetings - South Perth

Southern Branch Meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday of each month (excluding December). Please see the Homepage for dates.


Willetton Pavilion - Willetton Reserve,
off Donald Street, Willetton

Southern Branch Meetings are a great opportunity to meet other koi owners, ask questions about your pond, and find out what is happening in the Society.

Guest speakers attend some meetings, from varying fields of expertise - from pathologists to government researchers.

  • Interesting discussion topics each month, learn all the koi varieties and how to build an easy maintenance pond that will allow your koi to grow to their full potential
  • Q&A: an opportunity for new or experienced hobbyists to ask any questions they have about their koi or pond and get group discussion feedback
  • Bring your young fish to enter in our free Table Show on the night
  • Get to know contacts to buy top quality koi lines, and find out who is breeding what
  • Non members welcome. Kids welcome. Tea/coffee/biscuits provided
  • The Sales Table will be open on the night for all your discounted koi food supplies (members only)
    The Sales Table and Library are both open at meetings.

    Please see the Committee page for list of committee members.

    Tea, coffee and biscuits are provided at each meeting.

    Table Show

    A Table Show is held at each Southern Branch Meeting. Please see the Table Show page for more information.

    Southern Branch Meeting Mini-Auction

    Members occasionally bring along koi or products (such as filters or airpumps) they wish to auction. The auction is held during the meeting, and a small percentage of the sale price goes directly to the Society. If you would like to auction something at a meeting, just bring it along on the night.


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  • © Koi Society of Western Australia 2025