KSWA Koi Business Directory

Welcome to the WA Koi Business List!

Here you will soon find a comprehensive list of koi related businesses, both in WA and those who supply WA from interstate.

These businesses support KSWA by advertising the club to their customers - we encourage KSWA members to support them in return.

If you are a koi related business and would like to be listed on this page, all you need to do is either advertise in our newsletter or offer our members a 10% discount. To organise this, please email the club or phone a committee member (phone numbers are on page 2 of any newsletter).

eQuaria - 10% discount on presentation of membership card
2316 Albany Hwy, Gosnells
Phone: 08 9490 2510

Aquotix Canning Vale
Section 4, 176-178 Bannister Road, Canning Vale
Phone (08) 9455 1411

Pet Magic Cannington - 10% discount on presentation of membership card
8/1500 Albany Hwy, Cannington WA 6107
Phone: 08 9458 1970

Pet Magic Bibra Lake - 10% discount on presentation of membership card
Unit 1 /10 Discovery Dr, Bibra Lake WA 6163
Phone: 08 9418 6619

City Barn - 10% discount on presentation of membership card
4/1904 Beach Rd, Malaga
Phone 9249 3799

Woodvale Fish & Lily Farm - 10% discount excluding sales items
26 Woodvale Drive, Woodvale
Phone: 08 9409 9248

Aussie Koi W.A.
Gnangara - visits by appointment only
Phone 041 990 7973

PASES Aqua Pty Ltd - 10% discount on presentation of membership card
2/9 Merino Entrance, Cockburn Central
Mb: 0401629895 Ph: (08)94571235


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© Koi Society of Western Australia 2025