Committee & Life Members

Executive Committee of 2022 - 2024 (AGM held in May, June or July each year, executive committee positions are for a term of 2 years)

President: Shona Macskasy - president@koiclubwa.com
Vice President: Des Howlett
Secretary: Vacant - secretary@koiclubwa.com
Treasurer: Ryan Witney - treasurer@koiclubwa.com
Membership: Ryan Witney - membership@koiclubwa.com
General Committee Members: Joel Bacich, Adrian Falconer, Luke Bray, Tony Mellor

Other Positions

Logistics Coordinator: Tony Mellor
Auction Master: Joel Bacich - 0437 803 892
Webmaster / Socials: Ryan Witney - webmaster@koiclubwa.com
Sales Table: info@koiclubwa.com
Northern Branch - Deb Skroza
Southern Branch - Ping Chang

Southern Branch Committee 2022 - 2023 (elections held in July each year)

Southern Branch Chairman: Luke Bray
Secretary: Daryl Sim
Treasurer/Membership: Ping Chang
Tea & Coffee: Chris Clay

Northern Branch Committee 2022 - 2023 (elections held in September each year)

Northern Branch Chairman: Des Howlett
Secretary: Vacant
Treasurer/Membership: Ryan Witney
Tea and Coffee: Nathan Jolly

Show Committee 2024

Chairperson: Des Howlett
Chief Steward: Des Howlett
Entries & results: Ryan Witney
Trophy Steward: Ryan Witney
Sponsorship & Public Affairs: Carlo Fernandez
Logistics Coordinator: Joel Bacich
Water Quality Coordinator: TBA
Presentation Night Coordinator: Ryan Witney

Life Members of KSWA

For outstanding contribution to koi and the Koi Society of Western Australia, the following members have been awarded Lifetime Memberships

Kim Chipper
Judy Passey
Bill Passey
Ces Graham
Dave Gibson
Rod Strang
Allan Bennett
Shona Macskasy
Des Howlett
Tony Cornwall

Outstanding Contribution Award

We award one member each year with the Outstanding Contribution Trophy for going "above and beyond" in their service to the club over the past year.

2007 - Tim Leroy
2008 - Freya Whitton
2009 - Shona Macskasy (Whaite)
2010 - Kerry Cross
2011 - Rodney Hansen
2012 - Des Howlett
2013 - Lina Tassone
2014 - Con Pismiris
2015 - Brett Howlett
2016 - Ryan Witney
2017 - Jun Hua Guo
2018 - Adrian Falconer
2019 - Alex Lowe
2020 - not awarded due to COVID
2021 - Allan Bennett
2022 - Joel Bacich

20 Year Award

date to be confirmed - Tony Cornwall
date to be confirmed - Sharon Smith
2019 - Fred Sharp
2019 - Miki Mo
2021 - David Brown
2021 - Bennett family
2021 - Hansen family

Presidents of the KSWA

The following is a list of Presidents over the clubs history

2024 - Shona Macskasy
2023 - Shona Macskasy
2022 - Shona Macskasy
2021 - Shona Macskasy
2020 - Jun Guo Hua
2019 - Jun Guo Hua
2018 - Jun Guo Hua
2017 - Jun Guo Hua
2016 - Jun Guo Hua
2015 - Jun Guo Hua
2014 - Shona Macskasy
2013 - Shona Macskasy
2012 - Allan Bennett
2011 - Allan Bennett
2010 - Bill Passey
2009 - Bill Passey
2008 - Ces Graham
2007 - Bill Passey
2006 - Bill Passey
2005 -
2004 -
2003 -
2002 -
2001 -
2000 -


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© Koi Society of Western Australia 2024